List All Fragrances

All of our 1,500+ Fragrances at the Candlemakers Store are Skin-Safe in finished products and are compatible in ALL wax types, including Gel waxes. Recommended usage rates are up to 3% in skin-care products and up to 6% in soaps and other bath products. MSDS and IFRA statements are available upon request.

**Please note that any fragrance followed by ** is only available in 16 oz. and larger quantities**

Although we have over 1,000+ candle fragrances to choose from, we realize that there is a possibility that the candle fragrance that you had in mind might not be listed as a candle fragrance below. If this is the case, contact us for details on how we can create custom fragrance oils for you.

Any Designer/Brand Type fragrance oils on the following pages attempt to imitate fragrances sold by that Designer/Brand. Although remarkably similar to the original name brand versions, they are not identical. Our fragrance oils have been organized onto this page which refers to that Designer/Brand Type for comparison purposes only. The Candlemaker's Store is not affiliated in any way with any of the Designer/Brand Types. We do not sell, nor have we ever sold, any merchandise produced by them, and none of our products are sponsored, licensed, or endorsed by them. All trademarked names and service marks remain the exclusive property of their respective owners.

At the Candlemakers Store we are unique in that we manufacture many of the products we sell and can ensure a quality making product we have tested first.  We manufacture many of our candle fragrance oils from our own in-house formulas.  We also manufacture our own dyes.  We import and purchase other items in bulk in an effort to drive down prices in both small are large orders. 

We test our entire candle making products in every conceivable configuration to ensure a quality product, which is simple to use, and cost-effective for manufacturing and production. 

Remember that we do not list our specialty fragrances in this catalogue.  They are only available on our specialty category, which is updated regularly.  This category is static and rarely changes. 

Most of our regular candle fragrance oils are available in 1 ounce bottles for sampling and testing.  We also offer a buy three (3) and get one (1) free option to maximize testing and sampling of products.  In addition to this, we also have created specialty packages featuring ten (10) different candle fragrance oils built around common themes, such as food, or specific scents, fragrances, and aromas. 

Remember to check back regularly for any potential changes to this list.

Baja Lemon Fragrance Oil +
Baja Lime Fragrance Oil +
Baja Mango Fragrance Oil +
Baked Alaska Fragrance Oil
Baked Apple Pie Type Fragrance Oil
Bakery Air Type Fragrance Oil
Balance Fragrance Oil
Bali Mango Fragrance Oil
Balsam & Cedar Fragrance Oil
Balsam & Clove Fragrance Oil
Balsam Fir Fragrance Oil
Bamboo & White Grapefruit Fragrance Oil
Bamboo Fragrance Oil
As low as $2.95
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Bamboo Jasmine Fragrance Oil
Bamboo Lime Fragrance Oil +
Bamboo Rainforest Fragrance Oil
Banana Coconut Fragrance Oil
Banana Crepes Fragrance Oil
Banana Fragrance Oil
As low as $2.95
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Banana Leaf & Acai Fragrance Oil
Banana Nut Bread Fragrance Oil
Banana Pudding Fragrance Oil
Bananas Foster Fragrance Oil
Bananas Royale Fragrance Oil
Barbados Cherry Blossom Fragrance Oil
Barber Shop Fragrance Oil
Barnwood Fragrance Oil
Bartlett Pear Fragrance Oil
Basil Sage Mint for Patty Fragrance Oil
Basil Sage Mint Fragrance Oil
Bayberry Fragrance Oil
Be Enchanted Fragrance Oil
Be Still Type Fragrance Oil
Be Thankful Type Fragrance Oil
Beach Flowers Type Fragrance Oil
Beach Holiday Type Fragrance Oil
Beach Type Fragrance Oil
Beach Walk Type Fragrance Oil
Beach Wood Type Fragrance Oil
Beauty Fragrance Oil
As low as $2.95
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Beef Fragrance Oil
As low as $2.95
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Beef Jerky - Peppered Fragrance Oil
Beef Jerky - Salted Fragrance Oil
Beef Jerky - Smoked Fragrance Oil
Beef Jerky Fragrance Oil
Belle of India Fragrance Oil
Bergamot & Tarragon Fragrance Oil
Bergamot Fragrance Oil
Bergamot Rosewood Fragrance Oil
Bergamot Tea Fragrance Oil
Berry Blush Type Fragrance Oil
Berry Breeze Fragrance Oil
Berry Cobbler Fragrance Oil **
Berry Crumble Fragrance Oil
Berry Sangria Fragrance Oil
Berry Trifle Fragrance Oil
Berry Vanilla Fragrance Oil
Berry White Fragrance Oil
Beyond Berry Fragrance Oil
Biker Babe Fragrance Oil
Birch Fragrance Oil
As low as $2.95
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Bird of Paradise Creamy Fragrance Oil
Bird of Paradise Fragrance Oil
Birthday Cake Fragrance Oil **
Biscotti Fragrance Oil
Bite Me Fragrance Oil
Bittersweet Fragrance Oil
Black Canyon Fragrance Oil
Black Chamomile Fragrance Oil
Black Cherry Fragrance Oil
Black Cherry Merlot Fragrance Oil
Black Coconut Fragrance Oil +
Black Fig & Honey Fragrance Oil
Black Forest Truffle Fragrance Oil
Black Ices Freshener Type Fragrance Oil
Black Knight Fragrance Oil **
Black Licorice Fragrance Oil
Black Pepper Fragrance Oil
Black Raspberry Vanilla Fragrance Oil
Black Sand Beach Fragrance Oil
Black Vanilla Fragrance Oil
Black Walnut Fragrance Oil
Blackberries & Basil Type Fragrance Oil
Blackberry & Bay Type Fragrance Oil
Blackberry Amber Fragrance Oil
Blackberry Cobbler Fragrance Oil
Blackberry Fragrance Oil
Blackberry Jam Fragrance Oil **
Blackberry Lavender Fragrance Oil +
Blackberry Lemonade Fragrance Oil
Blackberry Oasis Fragrance Oil **
Blackberry Pie Fragrance Oil +
Blackberry Sage Fragrance Oil
Blackberry Vanilla Fragrance Oil **
Blended Whiskey Fragrance Oil
Bliss Fragrance Oil
As low as $2.95
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Blonde Moment Fragrance Oil
BLT Club Sandwich Fragrance Oil
Blue Grotto Fragrance Oil
Blue Hydrangea Fragrance Oil