Order turn around time?

We fulfill orders Monday - Friday and are closed on the weekends. Normal order fulfillment runs 2 to 4 days from receipt of order, shipping transit time would be in addition to that. If you have a time sensitive order, we strongly recommend using UPS Ground for delivery as that service, while more expensive, is vastly more reliable and trackable than the USPS. We strive to fill orders at the fastest rate possible, but work more for order accuracy and the ability to fill orders completely and supplier disruptions can affect our ability to do so. When your order is shipped, you will receive the final invoice e-mail at the time of shipping and if shipping by USPS, you will receive a separate e-mail with the USPS tracking just prior to the invoice e-mail and if by UPS, you will receive the tracking e-mail directly from UPS around 3:30 PM EST, all to your order e-mail address.